The selections of whole truffles Super-Extra, Extra, First Choice are available in cans of 40, 50, 100 and 200 grams, and in glass jars of 12, 50, and 100 grams
The juice of premium black truffles is nothing more than the liquid contained in the truffle, which comes out during the sterilisation process.
It is available in cans of 60, 100, 200 and 400 ml and in 25ml, 100ml, 180ml glass jars
“Truffle peelings” refer to the parts of truffles obtained, after washing, from cutting of truffles to assess their internal quality and to improve their shape or appearance. This selection includes truffle pieces with diameter of 2/3 cm, whose pulp must be always stably ripe.
It is only available in cans of 60, 80, 160 and 290 grams and in 45, 100 and 180 grams glass jars
These are small pieces of truffles of a few millimetres in diameter, which fall from truffles during harvesting or washing.
It is only available in cans of 60, 80, 150 and 300 grams and in 25, 50, 100, 180 grams glass jars
These are thin truffle slices, thickness of about 2 mm and diameter from 2 to about 4 cm, sterilised by autoclaving at 120 °C. The liquid in the can or glass container is the juice contained in the truffle that comes out during sterilisation..
It is available in cans of 60, 90, 180 and 290 grams and in glass jars of 45, 100, 180 grams
Black truffle cream contains premium black truffle, a very small percentage of extra virgin olive oil, truffle juice, and a small amount of salt.
It is available only in glass jars of 50, 90 and 120 grams
Via Ponte Pugliese, 13 63093 Roccafluvione (AP)
P.Iva 02364670444 – C.F. NGLNDA87T68A462F
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